灵异事件 - 去深山老林千万不要拍照

2021-06-15 23:58:09 阅读 :











Introduce:Last night is to frighten me dead really, return one's heart still fluttering with fear now. The thing is such... the hand that types now is trembling... I handled the mashed vegetable or fruit that grows a flower yesterday with the elder sister, I go to that hill every day in one's childhood climb, do not consider Gao Shu particularly flourish but the road is really bad, now the life is conveniently is patted pat, a few pieces of pictures were taken down alley before so I enter hill, after waiting for me to return the home downhill, clever different incident began... Morpheus of my this individual is all along very good, can come home downhill yesterday the dream with when taking a nap, was done particularly strange, the dream is being pulled to dying grandfather menace coming home we I take knife disclose that individual... crying to wake next... this is not a key, this is not a key, the key is in the evening it is ineffable all the time in my heart afraid condition, dare not allow room in black bright move mobile phone screen sleeps, what the left and right sides sleeps 10:30 is confused chaos daydreams all the time but cannot remember again, after the light that woke a few times to see the mobile phone is ghastly during instead more fear, ten when slept lightly suddenly particularly abrupt the sort of, the somebody outside always feeling a window is staring at me, the sort of scared move is particularly sharp, I the photograph cutout in the hill that pat, dropped the shoe of punching machine again build, begin in my heart particularly special and afflictive those who say not to come out is afflictive, taking what toot to cry later... get into later by the nest... northward now already very cold, my control arch is sweat completely, be no good tiredly dare not sleep again, the bag takes the Zhu Sha that thinks method to be able to give me mother before only to be put in bedside, was controlled probably, was asleep... did not daydream this, sleep to 6 o'clock, but after rising, the feeling follows be tired out all over same... remind friends to go really remote must not take a picture, I always feel is to take a picture moment took the thing with nasty what to come home... deep fear brings about me not to think the day is black now... dare not sleep... about the same this kind, just be old pine tree
本文标题:去深山老林千万不要拍照 - 灵异事件


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