校园怪谈之谜社 - 校园鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

校园鬼故事 - 校园怪谈之谜社

2021-06-16 01:06:10 阅读 :






















Introduce:1. is inscribed quite city college publicizes column to go up on the west, paste the photograph of 30 pieces of of the move outstanding students originally, now, among them 4 pieces of woman pictures that were changed to grow the face that send hide from view, a piece of paper still was stuck on the side, writing above: There is one person to once committed murder in 4 people abortive. Ask school principal Wang Hai to find out this individual inside 3 days, tear down the photograph of the female ghost of buy of v/arc be on the throne of this individual place. Search be opposite a live in peace with each other, look for a fault this person will drop building and dead. Mystery company the 5th play. "Mystery company " be on the west before city college before long sadly arisen mass organizations, enigma is installed in open circumstance by the commune member, launch a challenge to teachers and students. Accept a challenge person if do not have unlock or it is the enigma that solve a fault, the person that the architect can give accept a challenge is certain " punish commandment " . The school is right all the time its all sorts of hitting pressure, but ban repeatedly as before more than, before passing, "Mystery company " enigma is " the fact that investigates schoolgirl dormitory occurrence snake please " etc, did not think of this, involve human life unexpectedly, and challenge object or president! Round appoint clerical mix with other people is called a headmaster's office, president Wang Hai is right his be furious, let him make a thorough investigation of at once this matter. Come out from the headmaster's study, deal with comes to outside school directly an Internet bar. Do not have a person to know, deal with is " mystery company " father. Right now, in chatting room, members are discussing this enigma in drastically, deal with is in announcement area hang out a messages: Who designs this activity excuse me? Ask contact I am one. But, with differ before, all the time when afternoon, contact deal with without the person. The person Tibet that sets a mystery rose. 4 students of the photograph that be stuck are respectively: Yu Jian, Qiu Xiaoya, Zhang Ying, Liu Feng, but these 4 students calculate having is not, also do not have person and homicide to buy a concern, how should do? Soon deadline of 3 days already arrived, but under, deal with referred him to think oneself to president Wang Hai the most possible solution: Yu Jian. According to the requirement of enigma, wang Hai tore down in propagandist column the photograph that Yu Jian is in the position. For a short while, whole campus caused tremendous sensation, everybody in succession of conjecture Yu Jian " homicide abortive history " what be after all. That day afternoon, an open letter appeared suddenly in school newspaper booth, turn incident to the climax again. The president Yours Excellency: Very regretful, your answer is wrong. Not only such, you still made compasses. You let others replace your riddle, disregard completely " mystery company " custom. So, next an awful mess is forced to be cleared away by you. Waiting, right answer is announced immediately. Wang Hai sees turn pale with fright after the letter, call together everybody to discuss the way to deal with a situation immediately. Say what is late now, important is the school does not have an accident. Discuss after many business, learn to proofread Yu Jian, Qiu Xiaoya, Liu Feng and Zhang Ying 4 the individual's safety guard the job to undertake

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