复活之咒 - 医院鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

医院鬼故事 - 复活之咒

2021-06-16 01:07:45 阅读 :







4 尾声









Introduce:Before dawn of 1 broken cadaver at 1 o'clock, fan Ye still is on duty in the hospital. Abrupt, his mobile phone shakes rise, cummer Tian Wei is hit. His this ability remembers the appointment of a He Tianwei forgot, left a floor hurriedly rapidly. Go in inpatient department to arrive on the canal of hospital gate, he sees a person, wear white unlined long gown, wearing cap and big guaze mask, show two eyes only, pushing flat wheelbarrow him face here go. Brush a shoulder and outdated, he glances sideways toward barrow, the thing above discovery piles very high, get severe tight fact with calico cover. Did not go much further, model clang listen to back suddenly " with a bang become " , look later, see that person a reel, trip of within an inch of. He is preparing to return a body to help, see a same thing slips on barrow however, fix eyes on looks, it is an arm of the person unexpectedly! Model with a clang shudder, turn around hurriedly, trot all the way gave hospital entrance door. Appointment nature of He Tianwei parts on bad terms, but model clang did not care about however, the arm that because the eccentric of that go-cart and that is completely in his brain,slides only. Be in a hospital, carry a body to be commonplace, dan Fanye feels, the carry cadaver person that evening and body are appearing however weird. This need not go up late evening shift, model clang watch news foolishly by every means, suddenly a bizarre death cases caused his attention. A body appeared in TV appearance, although a lot of places were hit mosaic, but the limbs that still can see the dead's disintegrate clearly, still can fragmentary see a few plastic conduit and metal. The reporter interviewed a police of perambulate spot, the police says: "We searched for the spot and even circumference a few kilometers, did not find suspicious support of the people to violate a tool, organ of this caboodle human body does not take here artificially it seems that; Stranger is, be opposite through spot comparing, discover these organs are not the body …… that comes from same individual " model after with a clang watching this news, sensory filled with apprehension, in the limbs that hitting mosaic in that caboodle, he saw one breaks falling arm, and this arm is mixed actually the arm that give slips on barrow exactly like! Fall in lamplight that evening, although be casual a brief survey only, he remembers clearly however, that slips only on the arm that give, civil a design that looks like the totem, the appearance of that design ases if the boat is anchorage, be like the cross that takes arrowhead again, arrow ahead is drawing a big eye, taking the eye of complaint then just about, make his look over unforgettable. After the event, he the person of go-cart guesses with his that evening told Tian Wei. The Tian Wei that wearing a suit police uniform says to him: "According to the tattoo on the arm that you say, we check the dead is a man of 30 years old, nevertheless he happened two days before to die in this case, as to him

本文标题:复活之咒 - 医院鬼故事

上一篇:医院怪谈之红舌头 下一篇:滞留在人间


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